A lovely, gigantic woman with big round hips and a tight skirt walks down a city street, dwarfing cars and buildings around her.

011: Giant Men, Shrunken Women

It’s not the Bizarro World of Size Fantasy: giant men romp as freely as giantesses, and shrunken women are cowering under furniture alongside tiny men. In this episode we hear from giants and SWs from Daddy’s Dollhouse, as well as the normal-sized people who treasure them. Finally, writer and critic SolomonG has some advice for the community.

7 responses to “011: Giant Men, Shrunken Women”

  1. Comprehensive and heartfelt. I would not be surprised if other neglected quarters of size fantasy petition for a spotlight.

    Excellent gender-ambiguous intro. I’ve done a number of vignettes like that, and I’m always flattered when a reader tells me that they didn’t even notice the ambiguity and assumed it was written with their preferred gender in mind.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! Among anyone, I figured you’d pick up on that. I thought it’d be a fun experiment, didn’t even require a ton of rewrite.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It was so much fun to take any part in your research and such a pleasure to hear your take on the community! Considering how varied our responses must have been I think you did a fantastic job in consolodating everything and make it an engaging listen 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! Most kind of you. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed playing along and hearing the show. It was fascinating for me and I”m grateful to understand someone else’s perspective more.


  3. Thank you for this, I think ISW not in our circles because we all assumed someone will name drop it lol but yes, shrinking a woman also its own thrill and I think tiny ladies would agree. I do admit Gen V respark my activity in the SW world but I’m shocked no one named Wasp in Marvel comics. Especially her appearance in the Avengers cartoons.

    Also, my name was pronounced Mister Eddie but it’s ok lol. Just glad this episode is out there, was wishing for more details but I’m glad with the final product.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeesh I sound like a drunk here looking back. HE CARD READ GOOD.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s a good point, that ISW would’ve just been a given in the community, like Attack of the 50 Foot Woman. I saw that some of the answers were generation-based as well, which was interesting. Good point about Wasp, she was probably on a few people’s lists but not in the top position. And no worries, I’ve written and recorded a few episodes with a few more cocktails than would have been advisable.


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